The Poe Mystique

Almost every school child in the Tri-State area centered on Georgetown, PA is familiar with the story of the frontier Indian fighters, Adam and Andrew Poe.  The famous battle in 1781 between Adam and Andrew Poe and the Wyandot Indian named Bigfoot occurred along the Ohio River in Hancock County, VA (now WV) at the mouth of Tomlinson’s Run.  Andrew was severely injured by a tomahawk strike.  Adam shot Bigfoot. 


PA Profiles by Patrick M Reynolds, The Red Rose Studio, Willow Street, PA 17584 (Anna L and John F Nash Collection)

PA Profiles by Patrick M Reynolds, The Red Rose Studio, Willow Street, PA 17584 (Anna L and John F Nash Collection)

The land patents of the Poe brothers were in the path of almost every Indian raid on that exposed section of the “western frontier”.  And they participated in the chase of every raiding party.  The sight of the Poe brothers made the other settlers along the river feel more secure.


Kentucky had Daniel Boone; the Alamo had Davey Crockett; the Tri-State had the Poe boys and the whole mystique that goes with the name.  The Poes to follow achieved their fame on flatboats, keelboats, and steamers.


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