Scary Wonderful

With regrets I inform you that Georgetown suffered a severe blow from the recent Polar Vortex.  There was an electrical problem on Monday eve, the coldest night in a decade or more.  A transformer blew up in flames from an eyewitness report.  And Duquesne Light technicians were on site.  The entire town went dark.  That failure or the subsequent restoration of power resulted in an electrical surge that fried many appliances including TVs, microwaves, washer/driers, cable boxes, etc.  More importantly, furnaces were damaged resulting in frozen pipes.  Capt George Washington Ebert’s home had an indoor temperature of 26 degrees.  A scary, life-threatening situation for Georgetown residents.


Duquesne Light deemed the event an act of nature.  Whether Duquesne Light was switching power is speculation, but the electrical fault is mighty suspicious if not villainous.


George Washington Ebert (Anna l and John F Nash Collection)

The wonderful part of the story is that my sister discovered another box of steamboat stuff in her basement while recovering from burst water lines. For days, for nights, for months, for years, I had been searching for a photo with a label on the reverse identifying  Capt George Washington Ebert, my great great grandfather.  That box contained the photo. 

All-in-all, it was a happy story that made me sad, and the other way around.
















Copyright © 2014 Francis W Nash
All Rights Reserved



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