Posts Tagged ‘marcellus shale drilling’

Fracking in Georgetown

Thursday, December 15th, 2011

Family and friends have been opposing unregulated gas drilling.  Attached is a link to a  NYT article about an area near Georgetown, PA.  Note the paragraph that states that these small towns can not afford to defend themselves in court.  That could be Georgetown.  The gas companies are essentially seizing mineral rights not only in poor areas but also affluent communities in PA because the state and local communities have not had time to develop regulations.  And there are no local jobs, no tax revenues and fees, etc.  No doubt the town’s water supply will also be tainted to put an explanation mark on the unjust exploitation!!!


My concern ― the blasting associated with fracking may cause the old Georgetown Cemetery to slide off its hill - the fate of a similar hill in South Fayette, Washington Co, PA.  


I sent an email expressing my concerns to my state senator, Patricia H Vance (Rep), who currently supports the bill to implement statewide and managed restrictions.  Her drab response said my input was appreciated.


All this is personal, naturally of great interest to me – but to you?



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