Philadelphia Interests


The Philadelphia Inquirer published articles about the steamboat traffic on the Ohio River in 1860.  Interest in the Ohio River Transportation was a national business concern.

Arrivals and Departures Port of Pittsburgh (The Public Ledger 20Sep1860, p1)


The attached newspaper clip dated 20 Sep 1860 identifies the arrivals and departures at the Port of Pittsburg(h).  Business men in Philadelphia were probably transporting their goods via steamboats to the multiple ports identified.  Similar information was published in Philadelphia on the regular basis.  This particular clip lists a packet of interest, the str Clara Poe.



Mayor Ltr of Commendation (The Pittsburgh Gazette 20Feb1862, p3).

  Another article published in the Inquirer dated 20Feb1862 reprinted the complimentary letter from the Mayor of Pittsburgh to the steamboat captains who volunteered their boats and crews to steam to the Cumberland River and return with wounded soldiers.  Capt Way reprinted the same letter in the S&D Reflector, Dec 1969.   Two of the six captains credited with distinction were Capt Thomas W Poe master of the str Clara Poe and Capt Jackman T Stockdale master of the str Horizon.  Both masters and packets were from Georgetown.










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